That Laywer Girl (Review)

A comprehensive guide to the absurd world of Ally McBeal; That Lawyer Girl details all the minutaire that has turned the David E. Kelley dramedy into one of those rare television phenomenons that refuses to go unnoticed. A.C. Beck takes a look at how normally intelligent human beings feel the need to equate a television character with the fall of feminism; attemptting to add a thread of logic to that age old debate as to wether short skirts & protruding bones are indeed corrupting society. A brief warning to any fan who loves the Ally players unconditionally, the author's episode guide has a tendency to be quite no-holds barred snappish. If you already know all there is to know about Ms. McBeal, "That Lawyer Girl" still manages to offer up a very sporting challenge: see if you can figure out whether or not the writer even likes the subject matter. Grade: B

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